
Aging is a natural physiological process starts from birth until maturity. However, over time, accumulation of a wide variety of molecular and cellular damage will leads to a gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity of oneself. One of the prominent changes that are related to aging is the skin and its protective function capability.

Reduction in skin firmness along with the onset of wrinkles are among the sign of skin aging. This condition is accelerated by exposure to environmental toxins including ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure. As a result, therapies that could reduce, prevent or reverse aging process become an important subject for research and development in regenerative medicine. One of the products is stem cell-derived conditioned medium (CM), which is found to be an effective skin moisturizing and anti-aging agent.

About Photoaging

Photoaging is a form of skin aging caused by chronic exposure of human skin to solar UV radiation, which damages the structure and function of the skin. UV radiation, especially ultraviolet B (UVB) from sunlight, is one of the major environmental hazards that can induce skin damage. Over exposure to UV radiation also causes edema, erythema, hyper pigmentation, hyperplasia, inflammation, DNA damage and skin cancer.

Photoaging is characterised by wrinkles, laxity, roughness and irregular pigmentation. Wrinkles that appear preferentially on areas exposed to UVB are an outward sign of cutaneous aging. This condition is reversible through regenerative therapies, which utilizes anti-aging and skin moisturizing strategies.

Gap in Treatment Options

Current standard of care to prevent skin aging is by using topical formulations targeted to protect skin from UV radiation. Most of the topical formulations available are preventive in nature. They could not reverse the condition on the skin that was already affected by UV radiation.

Outcomes of Using Anti-ageing Serum Containing Stem Cell Growth Factors

There are several benefits observed when using the anti-ageing serum containing stem cell growth factors such as decrease in cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) formation, reduced hyperkeratosis, epidermal hyperplasia and inflammatory cells in dermis, improved skin moisture level, reduced collagen degradation upon exposure to UVB radiation

Overview of Efficacy in Skin Rejuvenation

Stempeucel® has significant potential to overcome limitations of conventional treatment approaches for photoaging because it has the following properties:

  1. Ability to promote cell migration
  2. Photo protective properties
  3. Ability to reduce UV-induced skin damage
  4. Ability to promote skin regeneration
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